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what is ddos

what is ddos- Hi guy's if you are searching for what is ddos and searching for the best article to get the best explanation about what is ddos. Then you are at the right place.

Today I'm here going to share the step by step tutorial about "what is ddos". By this article, you can get a lot of information about what is ddos, what is dos, how to ddos in termux. And I'm damn sure that you will never get all these unique information like us on the internet anywhere else.

what is ddos

what is ddos

what is ddos

Hey, guys iam back with a new post, so today we are going to know about DDOS & DOS attacks in

this post, so come on lets get started. DDOS is known as (Distributed Denial Of  Service) and DOS

is know as (Denial Of Service) they are the tools or you can say softwares or may be scripts whatever

it may be. the use of these tools is to down or to make unavailable the perticular target server for short

span of time. As you know whenever you visit to some websites like Shopping, Books websites you

may have seen that the web page of that website does'nt load or open for long time so that time you just

exit from that website, so the reason for that slowww motion loading is DDOS or DOS attacks on that

websites yes, you heard right some times hackers perform this DDOS or DOS on target servers this

results as huge loss for website ogranisations and the people who are surfing that website. So like this

the DDOS and DOS attacks work now lets see that how DDOS and DOSattack works in perticular way.

denial of service (DOS)
In DOS attack the hacker first setup the DOS tools to attack the target server or computer to down it or

to make it unavailabe for some time.The hacker first collects some information of website like Hosting,

Domain, Speed and Security etc... After that he starts attacking the website by sending heavy packets fr

om DOS tools which are more than the capacity of the webserver so, after that the website crashes or b

ecome unavailable untill the attack stops. In DOS attack the hacker uses only one computer to down

the website or server or target computer like this the DOS attack works.

The mostly used software for DOS is LOIC

distributed denial of service (DDOS)
In DDOS attacks the BOTS or ZOMBIES (bots) play main role in this attack the hacker first creates

BOTS and ZOBIES from perticular DDOS tools, after that he sends them to weak secured computers

and infect them with his BOTS ARMY after the computers infected by bots successfully the hacker

first sets the taget website and after that he collects some information of website like Security, Domain,

Hosting, Security etc... After all he starts DDOS attack on target computer by commanding the comput

ers which are infected by his BOTS ARMY the bots start sending the packets to the target website aft

er getting command by hacker to attack. When heavy packets are dropped on the website more than

its capacity the website becomes unavailable and take too long time to open. In DDOS attack the hack

er used more than one computer so that's why the attcak called as Distributed Denial Of Service, so

like this the DDOS is performed on the target website by hackers.

The mostly used software for DDOS in LOIC

ddos attack from termux
#Follow below steps

1. Open termux application and apply these commands.

$ apt-get update

$ apt-get upgrade

$ pkg install python

$ pkg install python2

$ pkg install git

$ git clone

$ ls

$ cd hulk

$ ls

$ chmod +x

$ ls

$ python2 (paste target website here)

ex:- python2

Now do this same steps in 2 to 6 sessions of termuxto do extere takedown. Now you can check that if the website is not loading or opening from long time. Here you made it buddy now you are attacker...

DDOS in laptop or pc is it possible from windows or kali linux to use it ?
Ans:- yes, you can use ddos tools in windows pc and klai linux pc's if you are using kali linux pc or laptop then you can use same script HULK by git cloning same as Termux and same process as Termux and for windows you have to use LOIC software which is too dangerous for a website ... so before using these kind of tools or softwares please take written permission from website owners... so ihope you guys are learning new things in technology world so that's all for today.

If you are still confused with the theoretical part then you must watch our video tutorial...

click here to watch the video

Final words

So guys thanks for visiting our blog. I hope you find our article "what is ddos" helpful for you please do share and comment your thought about this article and keep visiting to get hacking and gaming and lot more tools and news for free. thank you!