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what is Steganography

what is steganography - Hi guys if you are searching for the what is steganography and searching for a best article to get the best explanation about what is steganography. Then you are At Right Place.

Today I'm here going to share full explanation about What is steganography. That by this article "what is steganography" you can understand properly without any confusion. And I'm damn sure that you will never get all these unique information like us on the internet anywhere else.

what is steganography
 what is Steganography
what is Steganography

Hey, guys today we are going to know about Steganography and we are going to try it from our Android device with the help of Termux application so first let me explain.

what is Steganography used for?
Nowadays, hackers are using this method to hide the sensitive data inside image like user passwords and databases info migrate them from one hacker to another hacker to hide their illegal data from FBI. So it's just simple we can also do it from our Android with the help of Termux app so come on let's do it.

Make sure you installed Termux app from play store

1. Now here first select the files that which you want to hide. You need to take any two categories like image and mp3 or  mp4 or pdf it's your wish.

2. Create a new folder in your internal storage name that folder from any name as you wish after that just cut and paste that 2 files which you just selected to do Steganography.

3. After pasting both files. now compress any one document into zip any one of them.

ex:- jpg and mp4 I'm chosen, nowhere I'm gonna compress mp4 as ZIP

4. After that open Termux and follow below commands

$ pkg install cat

$ ls

$ termux -setup-storage

$ ls

$ cd /sdcard/steganography

( after sdcard select that folder in which you just kept mp4 and jpg documents as i said in the first )

$ ls

$ cat (your image name with formate) (your video name with formate) >simple.jpg

ex :- $ cat hacker.jpg >noobs.jpg

$ ls

Now, here you can see the third document has been visible in that particular folder now open RAR application and open that folder where you kept steganography documents now open that folder and now here you can see the new jpg which just steganographed from Termux. Now that image looks really original and normal but there's something inside that image which no one knows else you. now it's time to see that what's inside the image now click on that third image and just select EXTRACT now wait for it to extract after extraction you can see that secret video which you just hided in the image in hackers now that's all for today.

if you are still confused then i think you need to watch this tutorial video...

click here to watch the video

Final words

So guys thanks for visiting our blog. I hope you find our article "what is steganography " helpful for you please do share and comment your thought about this article and keep visiting to get hacking and gaming and lot more tools and news for free. thank you!